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All Colleges
Colleges in India starting with letter v
VABC-Veerangna Awanti Bai College
VABGC-Virangana Avanti Bai Government College
VABGM-Virangana Avanti Bai Government Mahavidyalaya
VABLDC-Virangana Avanti Bai Lodhi Degree College
VABMM-Virangana Avanti Bai Mahila Mahavidyalaya
VABM-Veerangana Avanti Bai Mahavidyalaya
VACC- Vikrmaditya Arts Commerce College
VACC-Vidarbha Arts and Commerce College
VACC-Vishvwasattya Arts and Commerce College
VACC-Vishwabharati Arts and Commerce College
VACE-Vishwabharati Academy College of Engineering
VACE-Vishwabharati Academys College of Engineering
VACFGC-Vidyodaya Arts And Commerce First Grade College
VACPEC-Vipra Arts Commerce and Physical Education College
VACSC - Vidyawardhini Arts Commerce and Science College
VACSC-Vishwalata Arts Commerce and Science College
VACSC-Vishwkarma Arts Commerce and Science College
VAC-Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda College
VAC-Vanashree Arts College
VAC-Vijaynagar Arts College
VAC-Vishnu Ayurveda College
VAC-Vivekanand Agriculture College
VACV-Vijaynagar Arts College Vijaynagar
VAC-Vyasanagar Autonomous College
VACWC-Vidarbha Arts Commerce Womens College
VADC - Vincent Apostolic Degree College
VAGDC-Virangna Avantibai Government Degree College
VAHSM-Veer Abdul Hameed Smarak Mahavidyalaya
VAITM-Vestal Academy of Information Technology and Management
VAKITM-Vaish Arya Kanya Institute Of Technology And Management
VAKM-Vaish Arya Kanya Mahavidyalaya
VAM-Vidarbha Ayurved Mahavidyalaya
VAPMSCPV-VAPMS College of Physiotheraphy Visakhapatnam
VAPM-Vishveshwarayya Abhiyantriki Padvika Mahavidyalay
VAPPL-Veda Arc Professionals Private Limited
VASCC - Vvms Art Science and Commerce College
VASC-Vallalar Arts and Science College
VASC-Vanavil Arts and Science College
VASC-Vidhya Arts and Science College
VASC-Vindhyavasini Arts and Science College
VASCW-Vivekananda Arts and Science College for Women
VASCW-Vivekanandha Arts and Science College for Women
VASCW-VPMM Arts and Science College for Women
VASDCSC-Vivekanand Arts Sardar Dalipsingh Commerce and Science College
VASDC-Viveka Arts & Science Degree College
VASMM-Vaish Arya Shikshan Mahila Mahavidyalaya
VASSS-vijay atul shiksha seva samiti
VASS-Vidisha Aarav Shiksha Samiti
VASTTC-Vidya Academy of Science and Technology Technical Campus
VAST-Vidya Academy of Science & Technology
VAST-Vidya Academy of Science and Technology
VASWC-Vaigai Arts And Science Womens College
VASWC-Vyasa Arts and Science Womens College
VAVC-Vidhyavardhini Annasaheb Vartak College
VA-Vibrant Academy
VBASC-Vishwa Bharathi Arts and Science college
VBASDC-Vishwa Bharathi Arts and Science Degree College
VBBC - Vedant BCA and B Com College
VBBEC-Vidya Bharti B Ed College
VBBEC-Vishwa Bharti B Ed College
VBBMBCAIM-Vivekananda BBM BCA Institute of Management
VBBMC-Vikram BBM College Chelur Road
VBC- Vivek Bharti College Bhilunda
VBCACGM-Vrundavan Bca College Ganeshpura Mehsana
VBCACR-Vivekananda BCA College Racihur
VBCCE-Vedmati Bhabnath Chaudhary College of Education
VBCC-Vidya Bhavan College of Commerce
VBCE - Viswa Bharathi College of Education
VBCEFWS-Viswa Bharathi College of Education for Women Salem
VBCEJ-Vishwa Bharti College of Education Jammu
VBCET-Vidya Bhavan College for Engineering Technology
VBCE-V B College of Education
VBCE-VB Computer Education Mandsaur
VBCE-Vidya Bhavan College of Education
VBCE-Vijaya Behara College Of Education
VBCE-Vijaya Bharathi College of Education
VBCE-Vishwa Bharathi College of Education
VBCE-Vishwa Bharathi College Of Engineering
VBCL-Vaikunta Baliga College of Law
VBCPS-Vishwa Bharathi College of Pharmaceutical Science
VBCR-Vivekananda B P Ed College Raichur
VBCTM - Vishwa Bharathi College Of Technology And Management
VBCTM-Vishwa Bharathi College Of Technology And Management
VBC-Vidya Bharati College
VBC-Vilnius Business College
VBC-Vinukonda B Ed College
VBC-Vishnu B Ed College
VBC-Vishwa Bharati College
VBC-Vrundavan Bsc College
VBC-Vyas B Ed College
VBDCB-Vishva Bharati Degree College Bharatpur
VBDC-Vignana Bharathi Degree College
VBDC-Vishwa Bharathi Degree college
VBDC-Vishwa Bharathi Degree collegejg
VBDC-Vishwa Bharti Degree College
VBDC-Viswa Bharathi Degree College
VBDC-Vivekananda B Ed And D El Ed College
VBEC-Vasant BEd College
VBEC-Veerayatan B Ed College
VBEC-Vidyanagar B Ed College Ahmadabad
VBEC-Vinayak B Ed College
VBEC-Vishwsatya B Ed College
VBEDC-Vijaya Bharathi Evening Degree College
VBGIES-Vidhya Bhavan Gandhian Institute of Education Study
VBGIES-Vidya Bhawan Gandhian Institute of Educational Studies
VBGSTC-Vidya Bhawan Govindram Seksaria Teachers College
VBGSTC-Vidya Bhawan GS Teachers College
VBIT-Vidya Bharathi Institute of Technology
VBIT-Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology
VBIT-Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology Proddatur
VBIT-Vignana Bharati Institute of Technology
VBKBGGC-Veer Bala Kali Bai Government Girls College
VBMC-Vidya Bhawan Mahila College
VBMDC-Vijanan Bharathi Mahila Degree College
VBMM-Vidya Bhawan Mahila Mahavidyalaya
VBMS-Vidyawati Balika Mahavidyalaya Sultanpur
VBM-Vidya Bharati Mahavidyalaya
VBM-Vidya Bharati Mahavidyalaya Amravati
VBPEC-Vikas B P Ed College
VBPGC-Vaidik Balika PG College
VBPGC-Viswa Bharathi Post Graduate College
VBPGM-Vedik Balika PG Mahavidyalaya
VBP-Vallabh Budhi Polytechnic
VBRIU-Vidya Bhawan Rural Institute Udaipur
VBSDC-Vir Bahadur Singh Degree College
VBSGDC-Vir Bahadur Singh Government Degree College
VBSMM-VBS Mahila Mahavidyalaya
VBSMM-Veer Bahadur Singh Mahila Mahavidyalaya
VBSM-Ved Bhawan Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya Shringerimath
VBSM-Vir Bahadur Singh Mahavidyalaya
VBSM-Vishva Bandhu Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya
VBSPU-Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal Unive,rsity
VBSPU-Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University
VBSRM-Veer Bahadur Singh Rajkeeya Mahavidyalay
VBSSMT-Vipin Bihari Sharan Singh Mahavidyalaya Tarabganj
VBSSSSPJC-VBSS Shri Shyamrao Patil Journalism College
VBS-Vanguard Business School
VbTEC-Vel Tech Engineering College
VBTTC - Vidya Bharti Teachers Training College
VBTTC-Vishwa Bharti Teachers Training College
VBTTC-Vivek Bharati TT College
VBU-Vinoba Bhave University
VBU-Vinoba Bhave University hazaribagh
VBU-Vinova Bhave University
VBU-Vishwa Bharati University
VBU-Visva Bharati University
VC - Vedanta College
VC - Vivekananda College
VCAAD-Vishwaniketans College Of Architecture Art And Design
VCAA-Vivekanand College Of Arts Ahmedabad
VCACS-Vidarbha College Of Arts Commerce And Science
VCAC-Vidyodaya College of Arts and Commerce
VCAC-Vikas College of Arts And Commerce
VCAC-Visveswarapura College of Arts and Commerce
VCAGC-Vijay Central Academy Girls College
VCAP-Varaha College of Architecture and Planning
VCAPV-Varaha College Of Architecture And Planning Visakhapatnam
VCASC-Vaidyanath College of Arts Science And Commerce
VCASC-Vikas College of Arts Science and Commerce
VCASC-Viva College of Arts Science and Commerce
VCASC-Vivekanand College of Arts Science and Commerce
VCASC-Vivekananda College of Arts Science and Commerce
VCAS-Vaishnavi College of Arts and Science
VCAS-Vasundhara College of Arts And Science
VCAS-Vidyanjali College of Arts and Science
VCAS-Vidyasagar College of Arts and Science
VCAS-Vigyaan College of Applied Sciences
VCAS-Vivekananda College of Arts and Science
VCASW-Vivekanandha College of Arts and Sciences for Women
VCASW-VKHMO College of Arts and Science for Women
VCA-Vedavyasa College of Architecture
VCA-Vision Coaching Academy
VCA-Vivekanand College Of Architecture
VCA-Vivekanand College of Arts
VCA-Vivekananda College Alipurduar
VCAW-Vidyamandir College of Architecture for Women
VCBM-Vathsalya College of Business Management
VCBP-Vedica College Of B Pharmacy
VCB-Vagad College Badgi
VCB-Veerashaiva College Bellary
VCB-Vinayak College Bijnor
VCB-Vivekanand College Burhanpur
VCCBA-Vyas College of Commerce And Business Administration
VCCE-Vikas Christian College of Education
VCCE-Vins Christian College of Engineering
VCCHS-Vee Care College of Health Sciences
VCCM-VanderCook College of Music
VCCN-Vee Care College of Nursing
VCCSM-Vivekananda College of Computer Science and Management
VCC-Vancouver Community College
VCC-Vedanti Competition Classes
VCC-Venutai Chavan College
VCC-Vijayanagar College of Commerce
VCC-Vision College of Commerce
VCC-Vision Computer Centre
VCC-Vivek College of Commerce
VCC-Vivekananda College of Computers
VCDC-Vishwa Chethana Degree College
VCDET-Viva College of Diploma Enginnering and Technology
VCD-V K S College Dharupur
VCD-Vidyadhan College Dhule
VCD-Vidyanagar College Dungarpur
VCD-Vilnius College of Design
VCD-Vinayak College Dausa
VCE - Vatsalya College of Education
VCE - Vardhaman College of Engineering
VCE - Venkateswara College of Education
VCE - Vit College of Education
VCE - Vivekananda College Of Education
VCE - Vivekananda College Of Education Ranga Reddy
VCEA-Vivekananda College of Education Arsikere
VCEB-Victoria College of Education Bhopal
VCEC-Vedic Co Education College
VCEC-Vidyalaya College of Education Chittoor
VCED-Vivekananda College of Education Debra
VCEG-Vrundavan College of Education Ganeshpura
VCEL-Vivekananda College of Education Lakhanpur
VCEME-Vivekananda College Of Education Medinipur East
VCEM-Venkateswara College of Education Madagadipet
VCEM-Vikas College of Education Mohinabad
VCEP-Vikas College of Education Pabbapuram
VCER-Vaish College ,Rohtak
VCER-Vaish College of Engineering Rohtak
VCES-Vidyadhari College of Education Srikakulam
VCET-Vedant College of Engineering and Technology
VCET-Velalar College of Engineering and Technology
VCET-Velammal college of Engineering and Technology
VCET-Velammal ollege of Engineering and Technology
VCET-Vidyavardhini College of Engineering and Technology
VCET-Vikas College Of Engineering and Technology
VCET-Visvesvaraya College Of Engineering And Technology
VCET-Viswajyothi College of Engineering and Technology
VCET-Vivekananda College of Education Thiruvallur
VCET-Vivekananda College of Engineering and Technology
VCETV-Vidyavardhinis College of Engineering and Technology
VCET-Vyas College of Engineering and Technology
VCE-Vaagdevi College of Engineering
VCE-Vaageswari College Of Engineering
VCE-Vaani College of Education
VCE-Vadaranyam College of Education
VCE-Vagdevi College of Education
VCE-Vaigai College of Engineering
VCE-Vaish College of Education
VCE-Vaish College of Engineering
VCE-Vaishno College of Education
VCE-Vaishno College of Engineering
VCE-Vallalar College Of Education
VCE-Vaniniketan College Of Education
VCE-Vaniniketan College Of Education Karimnagar
VCE-Varda College of Education
VCE-Vardhaman College of Engineering
VCE-Vartak College of Engineering
VCE-Vasant College of Education
VCE-Vasavi College of Education
VCE-Vasavi College of Engineering
VCE-Vathsalya College of Education
VCE-Veera College of Engineering
VCE-Vekkaliyamman College of Education
VCE-Velankanni College of Education
VCE-Vellore College of Education
VCE-Veludayar College of Education
VCE-Venkataratna College of Education
VCE-Venkateshwara College Of Education
VCE-Venkateshwara College of Engineering
VCE-Venkatesvara College of Education Pudukkottai
VCE-Venkateswara College of Education
VCE-Venkteshwara College of Education
VCE-Vestley College Of Education
VCE-Vickram College of Engineering
VCE-Victoria College of Education
VCE-Victory College Of Education
VCE-Vidya College of Engineering
VCE-Vidyalaya College of Education
VCE-Vidyasagar College Of Education
VCE-Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering
VCE-Vignan College of Education
VCE-Vignesh College of Education
VCE-Viharilal College of Education
VCE-Vijay College of Education
VCE-Vijay College of Education Tiruvannamalai
VCE-Vijaya College Of Education
VCE-Vijayanagar College of Education
VCE-Vijaydeep College Of Education
VCE-Vijetha College of Education
VCE-Vikas College of Education
VCE-Vikas College of Education Krishna
VCE-Vindhya College Of Education
VCE-Vira College of Engineering
VCE-Vishwaksena College of Education Thiruvallur
VCE-Vishwaradhya College Of Education
VCE-Vishweshraiya College Of Education
VCE-Visveswaraya College of Education Bhadravathi
VCE-Viswavani College of Education
VCE-Vits College of Education
VCE-Vivek College of Education
VCE-Viveka College of Education
VCE-Vivekanand College of Education
VCE-Vivekanand College of Education Chandrapur
VCE-Vivekananda College of Education Kandukur
VCE-Vivekananda College of Education Kanyakumari
VCE-Vivekananda College of Education Kathua
VCE-Vivekananda College Of Education pondicherry
VCE-Vivekananda College of Education Puttur
VCE-Vivekanandha College of Education
VCE-Vivekanandha College of Education Pudhucherry
VCE-Vsk College of Education
VCE-Vysya College of Education
VCEW-Vellalar College of Education for Women
VCEW-Vijay College of Education for Women
VCEW-Vijay College of Engineering for Women
VCEW-Vivekanada College of Engineering for Women
VCEW-Vivekanandha College of Education for Women
VCEW-Vivekanandha College of Engineering
VCEW-Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women
VCFA-Vermont College of Fine Arts
VCFA-Vijay College of Fine Arts
VCGUUHF-Veer Chandra Singh Garhwali Uttarakhand University of Horticulture and Forestry
VCG-Vidyasagar College for Girls
VCG-Vishavkarma College for Girls
VCH - Veterinary College Hassan
VCHC-Vidya College of Health Sciences
VCHL-Vaibhav College of Higher Learning
VCHS-Vidya College of Health Sciences
VCH-Vidyaniketan College Hinganghat
VCH-Vijayanagara College Hospet
VCIC-VCI College
VCIIT - Vishal Computers Institute of Information Technology
VCIMS-Viva College Institute of Management Studies
VCITBM-Vinayaka College Of IT And Business Management
VCITM-Vinayaka College of IT and Management
VCI-Vardhaman College Itarsi
VCI-Vtech Computer Institute
VCJ-Vijaya College Jayanagar
VCJ-Vindhyachal College Jigna
VCJ-Vivekanand College Jaipur
VCK-Vivekanand College Kolhapur
VCLB-Vivekananda College of Law Bangalore
VCLCCVLCCA-Valia Chhaganlal Laljibhai College of Commerce Valia Lilavantiben Chhaganlal College of Arts
VCLJ-Vinayaka College of Law and Justice
VCL-Vaish College
VCL-Vaish College of Law
VCL-Vasudev College Of Law
VCL-Visveswarapura College Of Law
VCL-Vivek College of Law
VCL-Vivekanand College of Law
VCL-Vivekanand College of Law Ahmedabad
VCL-Vivekananda College of law
VCL-Vivekananda College of Law Aligarh
VCME-Vaibhav Computer and Management Education
VCMH-Veerabhadreshwara Chitrakala Mahavidyalaya Humnabad
VCMIT-Vedanta College of Management and Information Technology
VCMS-Vishnupriya College of Management Studies
VCMSW-Vinutana College of MSW
VCMT-Vivek College of Management and Technology
VCM-Vinuthna College of Management
VCM-Vishwasattya College Of MBA
VCM-Vision College Of Management
VCM-Vivekananda College Madurai
VCN - Vivekanand College of Nursing
VCN - Vindhya College Of Nursing
VCN - Vivekananda College of Nursing
VCNJ-Vyas College of Nursing Jodhpur
VCNL-Vivekananda College of Nursing Lucknow
VCNS-Vijay College of Nursing Srikakulam
VCN-Vagdevi College Of Nursing
VCN-Vellalar College of Nursing
VCN-Vidyarathna College of Nursing
VCN-Vidyawati College of Nursing
VCN-Vijaya College of Nursing
VCN-Vijaya College of Nursing Nellore
VCN-Vijayanagar College of Nursing
VCN-Vinayak College of Nursing
VCN-Vinayaka College of Nursing
VCN-Vision College of Nursing
VCN-Viswabharathi College of Nursing
VCN-Viswasai College of Nursing
VCN-Vivekanand College of Nursing
VCN-VMS College of Nursing
VCNW-Vinayaka College Of Nursing Wayanad
VCOVS-Vidyasagar College of Optometry and Vision Science
VCPAS-Vinayaka College of Pure and Applied Science
VCPE - Vinayaka College Of Physical Education
VCPE-Vaagdevi College of Physical Education
VCPE-Vedha College Of Physical Education
VCPP-Vedica College of Pharmacy Polytechnic
VCPRC-Vagdevi College Of Pharmacy And Research Centre
VCPSN-Vardhman College Of Prof Studies Nagda
VCPSP-Vidya College of Professional Studies Patna
VCPSR-Vision College Of Pharmaceuitical Sciences And Reasearch
VCPS-Vikas College Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
VCP-Vaagdevi College of Pharmacy
VCP-Vaageswari College of Pharmacy
VCP-Varanasi College of Pharmacy
VCP-Varun College of Pharmacy
VCP-Venkateshwara College of Pharmacy
VCP-Victoria College of Pharmacy
VCP-Vidyabharati College of Pharmacy
VCP-Vijay College Of Pharmacy
VCP-Vijaya College Of Pharmacy
VCP-Vikas College of Pharmacy
VCP-Vikas College of Pharmacy Krishna
VCP-Vinayaka College Of Pharmacy
VCP-Vinayaka College of Physiotherapy
VCP-Vivekananada College Of Pharmacy
VCP-Vivekananda College of Pharmacy
VCP-Vivekananda College of Polytechnic
VCRC-Vector Control Research Centre
VCRIO-Veterinary College and Research Institute Orathanadu
VCRIT-Veterinary College and Research Institute Tirunelveli
VCRI-Veterinary College and Research Institute Namakkal
VCRI-Veterinary College and Research Institute Thanjavur
VCR-Vindhyachal College Rewa
VCR-Vivekanand College Raipur
VCS - Vananchal College of Science
VCSCMS-Vyankateshwara College of Science Commerce Management Studies
VCSC-Vani Chitrakala Shale Chikkanayakanahalli
VCSG UUHF-Veer Chandra Singh Garhwali Uttarakhand University of Horticulture and Forestry
VCSGGIMSR-Veer Chandra Singh Garhwali Government Institute of Medical Science and Research
VCSM-Valluvar College of Science and Management
VCSM-Vidyawati Chaturvedi Shiksha Mahavidyalaya
VCSU-Valley City State University
VCS-Vels College of Science
VCS-Veterinary College Shivamogga
VCS-Vidyabharti College Selu
VCS-Visveswarapura College of Science
VCS-Vivekanand College Sikar
VCS-Vivekanand College Surat
VCS-Vivekanand Computer Sansthan
VCS-Vysya College Salem
VCTD-Vilnius College of Technologies and Design
VCTE - Vivekanand College Of Teachers Education
VCTECT-Victory College of Teacher Education Centre Thiruvananthapuram
VCTED-Vivekanand College Of Teaching Education Dabok
VCTM - Vivekanand College of Technology and Management
VCTMACCB-V C T Mahila Arts and Commerce College Bharuch
VCTMA-Vivekananda College of Technology and Management Aligarh
VCTM-Vivekananda College of Technology and Management
VCTN-Vikas College Of Engineering and Technology
VCT-Vananchal College Tandwa
VCT-Vivekanand College Thiruvedakam
VCTW-Vivekanandha College Of Technology For Women
VCU-Virginia Commonwealth University
VC-Vagad College
VC-Vaidyanath College
VC-Vaish College
VC-Vaish College Bhiwani
VC-Valencia College
VC-Valia College
VC-Vandemataram College
VC-Varadaraja College
VC-Vardhaman College
VC-Vardhman College
VC-Vartak College
VC-Vassar College
VC-Veterinary College
VC-Veterinary College Bengaluru
VC-Vice Correspondence
VC-Vidyabharti College
VC-Vidyamandir College
VC-Vidyanagar College
VC-Vidyapeeth College
VC-Vidyasagar College
VC-Vidyasagar College tumkur
VC-Vidyawati College
VC-Vijaya College
VC-Vijaya College Mulki
VC-Vijaya College rv road basavangudi
VC-Vijayanagar college
VC-Vikramaditya College
VC-Vimala College
VC-Vinayak B Ed College
VC-Vinayak College
VC-Vinodini College
VC-Viratra College
VC-Vishvbharti College
VC-Viswabrahmana College
VC-Viswabramna college
VC-Vivekanand College
VC-Vivekanand College Ajanja
VC-Vivekanand College Ghatol
VC-Vivekanand College Hanumangarh
VC-Vivekanand College Jakhrawali
VC-Vivekanand College Kolkata
VC-Vivekanand College Pipariya
VC-Vivekananda Degree College, puttur
VC-Vivekananda College
VC-Vivekananda College Alipurduar
VC-Vivekananda College Kanyakumari
VC-Vivekananda College Khoor
VC-Vivekananda College Kolkata
VC-Vivekananda College Madhyamgram
VC-Vivekananda DEGREE AND P.G College
VC-Vivekananda College
VC-Voorhees College
VCVSAHN-Vanbandhu College of Veterinary Science And Animal Husbandry Navsari
VC-Vyasanagar College
VC-Vyasnagar College
VCWCE-Vins Christian Womens College of Engineering
VCWDC-Vishwa Chaitanya Womens Degree College
VCWK-Vidyasagar College for Women Kolkata
VCW-V R College wardha
VCW-Valliammal College for Women
VCW-Vasanta College for Women
VCW-Vellalar College for Women
VCW-Vivekanand College for Women
VCW-Vivekananda College for Women
VCW-Vivekanandha College for Women
VDACJ-Vikram Deb Autonomous College Jeypore
VDAC-Vikram Deb Autonomous College
VDAC-Vikram Dev Autonomous College
VDADC-VDA Degree College
VDA-Vadodara Design Academy
VDC - Vanisri Degree College
VDC- Vinayak Degree College
VDCA - Vignan Degree College Anantapur
VDCA-Vaishanavi Degree College Allahabad
VDCA-Vignan Degree College Attapur
VDCB-Vagdevi Degree College Bangalore
VDCB-Vivekananda Degree College Bangalore
VDCC-Vidhyardhi Degree College Chodavaram
VDCC-Vignan Degree College Chemakurthi
VDCEA-Vikas Degree College Education Atmakur
VDCET-Vilasrao Deshmukh College of Engineering and Technology
VDCET-Vilasrao Deshmukh College of Engineering and Technology Nagpur
VDCE-Vardey Devi College of Education
VDCFW-Vivekanandha Dental College For Women
VDCG-Vijetha Degree College for Girls
VDCH-Vananchal Dental College and Hospital
VDCH-Vivekananda Degree College Hyderabad
VDCH-Vyas Dental College and Hospital
VDCIMR-Vishwakarma Dadasaheb Chavan Institute Of Management And Research
VDCITMS-Vidya Dayini College of Information Technology and Management Studies
VDCIT-Vidya Dayini College Of Information Technology
VDCK - Vivekananda Degree College kadiri
VDCKDMA-Vaisnavi Degree College Kharka Dabour Meja Allahabad
VDCK-Vanisri Degree College Karimnagar
VDCK-Vignan Degree College Kadapa
VDCK-Vignan Degree College Khammam
VDCK-Vivekananda Degree college Karimnagar
VDCL-VCEBs Degree College Lingasoogur
VDCM - Vikas Degree College Mandavalli
VDCM-Vidya Degree College Marikal
VDCN-Vaagdevi Degree College Hanamkonda
VDCN-Vaagdevi Degree College Nizamabad
VDCN-Vasavi Degree College Nakrekal
VDCP-Vignan Degree College Podalakur
VDCRC-Vaidik Dental College and Research Centre
VDCR-Vikas Degree College Rathnapur
VDCS - Vikas Degree College Samisragudem
VDCS-Vidyadhari Degree College Srikakulam
VDCUL-Vagheshwari Degree College Uthkoor Luxettipet
VDC-Vaagdevi Degree Collage
VDC-Vaagdevi Degree College
VDC-Vaagdevi Degree Colllege
VDC-Vaageswari Degree College
VDC-Vagdevi Degree College
VDC-Vagdevi Degree College Korutla Road
VDC-Vagdevi Degree College Kothavalasa
VDC-Vagheshwari Degree College
VDC-Vahini Degree College
VDC-Vajirao Degree College
VDC-Vamsadhara Degree College
VDC-Vanasthali Degree College
VDC-Vandana Degree College
VDC-Vasavi Degree College
VDC-Vasavi Degree College Kalvasrirampur
VDC-Vashishta Degree College
VDC-Vashista Degree College
VDC-Vasu Degree College
VDC-Vasundara Degree College
VDC-Vasundhara Degree College
VDC-Vasundhara Degree College moulali
VDC-Veda Degree College
VDC-Vedhanidhi Degree College Lokeshwaram
VDC-Vedhanidhi Degree College Narnoor
VDC-Veerabhadra Degree College
VDC-Venkatarama Degree College
VDC-Vennela Degree College
VDC-Vidwan Degree College
VDC-Vidyaardhi Degree College
VDC-Vidyalaya Degree College
VDC-Vidyanidhi Degree College
VDC-Vignan Degree and pg College
VDC-Vignan Degree College
VDC-Vignan Degree College Krishna
VDC-Vijay Degree College
VDC-Vijaya Degree College
VDC-Vijayateja Degree College
VDC-Vijetha Degree College
VDC-Vijetha Degree College Jaladanki
VDC-Vijetha Degree College Miryalaguda
VDC-Vikas Degree College
VDC-Vikas Degree College Chatrai
VDC-Vikas Degree College Kadapa
VDC-Vikas Degree College Khambampadu
VDC-Vikas Degree College Krishna
VDC-Vikas Degree College Sidhulawada
VDC-Vikash Degree College
VDC-Vikram Dev College
VDC-Vinex Degree College
VDC-Vishista Degree College
VDC-Vishnu Dental College
VDC-Vishwajyothi Degree College
VDC-Viswashanti Degree College
VDC-Viveka Degree College
VDC-Vivekananda Degree College
VDC-Vivekananda Degree College Mahbubnagar
VDC-Vivekananda Degree College Mandasa
VDC-Vivekananda Degree College Nellore
VDC-Vivekananda Degree College Visakhapatnam
VDC-Vivekavardhani Degree College
VDCV-Vivekananda Degree College Vempalli
VDC-Vyshnavi Degree College
VDC-Vyshnavi Degree College Kurnool
VDCW - Vani Degree College For Women
VDCW - Vennela Degree College for Women
VDCW-Vagdevi Degree College For Womens
VDCW-Vanita Degree College for Womens
VDCW-Vasavi Degree College for Women
VDCW-Vijeta Degree College Wanaparthy
VDCW-Vivekananda Degree College for Women
VDCW-Vivekananda Denal College For Women
VDDPGC - Vidya Dayani Degree and PG College
VDFGI-Vilasrao Deshmukh Foundation Group Of Institutions
VDFSET-VDF School of Engineering and Technology
VDFSP-VDF School of Polytechnic
VDFSP-Vilasrao Deshmukh Foundations School of Polytechnic
VDGLC-VD Gardi Law College
VDIET-Vardey Devi Institute of Engineering and Technology
VDIT-Varun Dhaka Institute of Technology
VDIT-Vishwanathrao Deshpande Institute of Technology
VDIT-Vishwanathrao Deshpande Institute of Technology
VDKM-Vidya Devi Kanya Mahavidyalaya
VDLC- Victor Dantas Law College
VDMTTCA-Vaidehi Devi Mahila TT College Alwar
VDM-Vidyawati Devi Mahavidyalaya
VDM-Vidyawati Devi Mahavidyalaya Sultanpur
VDM-Visheshwar Dayal Mahavidyalaya
VDM-Vishweshwar Dayal Mahavidyalaya
VDPC - Vidyanjali Degree And PG College
VDPC-Valivalam Desikar Polytechnic College
VDPGC-Vaagdevi Degree and PG College
VDPGC-Vaagdevi Degree and Post Graduation College
VDPGC-Vasistha Degree and PG College
VDPGC-Vasundara Degree and PG College
VDPGC-Vijay Degree and PG College
VDPGC-Vijayam Degree and PG College
VDPGC-Vijetha Degree and PG College
VDPGC-Vivekanand Degree PG College
VDPGC-Vivekananda Degree
VDPGC-Vivekananda Degree and PG College
VDPGC-Vivekananda Degree College
VDPM-Vaishno Devi Prashikshan Mahavidyalaya
VD-Vyakaran Darbhanga
VECAC-Visveswarapura Evening College of Arts And Commerce
VECC-Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre
VECG-Vyas Engineering College for Girls
VEC-V V P Engineering College
VEC-Vaagdevi Engineering College
VEC-Valliammai Engineering College
VEC-Vandayar Engineering College
VEC-Varahi Education College
VEC-Veerammal Engineering College
VEC-Velammal Engineering College
VEC-Vidyasagar Evening College
VEC-Vignans Engineering College
VEC-Vijaya Engineering College
VEC-Vijaya Evening College
VEC-Vijayam Evening College
VEC-Vijayanagar Engineering College
VEC-Vinayaga Education College
VEC-Vishwavidyalaya Engineering College
VEC-Visvodaya Engineering College
VEIRKP-Vivekanand Education Institute Ram Krishna Parmhansh
VEITDC-VEIT Degree College
VEI-Veludayar Educational Institutions
VEI-Vijyashree Educational Institute
VELCE-VEL College of Education
Vellore Institute of Technology - Andhra Pradesh
Vellore institute of technology - Bhopal
Vellore Institute Of Technology - VIT Bhopal
VES- Vital Education Socity
VESCASC-V E S College of Arts Science and Commerce
VESCASC-Vivekanand Education Societys College of Arts Science and Commerce
VESCL-Vivekanand Education Society College of Law
VESCP-Vivekanand Education Societys College of Pharmacy
VESIMSR-Vivekanand Education Societys Institute of Management Studies and Research
VESIT-Vivekanand Education Society Institute of Technology
VESIT-Vivekanand Education Society of arts, science and commerce
VESP-Vivekanand Education Societys Polytechnic
VESSAP-VESS Ahinsa Polytechnic
VESSVBCA- Vindyachal Education Society Sanchalit College of BCA
VESWCCBM-Vishweshwar Education Societys Western College of Commerce and Business Management
VETBVLPC-V E T BVL Polytechnic College
VETCE-VET College of Education
VETFGC-VET First Grade College
VE-Vinayak Enterprises
VFEC - Vidyabharathi Foundation IBMR Education of College
VFGC - Vasavi First Grade College
VFGCM-Vidyavardhaka First Grade College Mysore
VFGCP-Vijaya First Grade College Pandavapura
VFGC-Vidhyaashram First Grade College
VFGC-Vidya First Grade College
VFGC-Vidyavardhika FG College
VFGC-Vijaya First Grade College
VFSTRO-Vignans Foundation for Science Technology and Research Online
VFSTR-Vignans Foundation for Science Technology and Research
VGASC-Vypin Government Arts and Science College
VGCAS-Vidhyaa Giri College of Arts and Science
VGC-Vaish Girls College
VGC-Vallabh Government College
VGC-Vallabh Government College Mandi
VGC-Veena Girls College
VGC-Victoria Girls College
VGC-Vinayak Girls College
VGC-Vinayak Girls College Chomu
VGC-Vision Group of College
VGC-Vivekanand Girls College
VGC-Vivekananda Government College
VGC-Vsoch Girls College
VGDC-Varanasi Girls Degree College
VGDC-Visvodaya Government Degree College Venkatagiri
VGDC-Vivekananda Government Degree College Hyderabad
VGDCW-Visakha Government Degree College for Women
VGECT-Vasudeo Gavade Education and Charitable Trust
VGEC-Vishwakarma Government Engineering College
VGERI-Venus Group Of Educational and Research Institute
VGEWSSMMDC-Vishwa Gur Education Welfare Societys Smt Mahadevamma Memorial Degree College
VGFGC-Vedavathi Government First Grade College
VGGPGC-Vijyaraje Government Girls Post Graduate College
VGI- Vikrant Group of Institution
VGIET-Vedic Gurukul Institute of Engineering and Technology
VGI-Vikas Group Of Institutions
VGI-Vishveshwarya Group of Institutions
VGI-Vivekananda Group Of Institutions
VGI-VNS Group of Institutions
VGLC-Vijnaneshwara Government Law College
VGMC-Vellore Government Medical College
VGMDC-Vivekanand Gramodyog M Degree College
VGMPGC-V.G.M. P.G. College
VGPC-Voice Of God Polytechnic College
VGPGC-V.G.M. P.G. College
VGPGC-Veerbhumi Government PG College
VGSM-Vinod Gupta School of Management
VGSPM-Vidya Gram Shikshak Prashikshan Mahavidyalaya
VGTTC-Vivekanand Girls Teacher Training College
VGTU-Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
VGU-Vivekananda Global University
VGVCASC-V G Vaze College of Arts Science and Commerce
VGVCASC-Vinayak Ganesh Vaze College of Arts Science And Commerce
VHCASCNK-Vijaya Health Care Academic Society College of Nursing Kushaiguda
VHC-Vishwa Hindu College
VHDC-Vidyant Hindu Degree College
VHEI-Vansh Higher Education Institute
VHMCH-Venkateswara Homoeopathic Medical College And Hospital
VHMC-Virar Homeopathic Medical College
VHMC-Virar Homoeopathic Medical College
VHMMEDC-VH Marad MEd College
VHNSNC-Virudhunagar Hindu Nadars Senthikumara Nadar College
VHPL-Visan Hospitality Private Limited
VIAA-Viva Institute of Applied Art
VIASMSC-Vivekanand Institute of Advanced Studies in Management Science and Communication
VIA-Vanavarayar Institute of Agriculture
VIBACA-Veerayatan Institute of Business Administrator and Computer Applications
VIBA-Vennela Institute Of Business Administration
VIBM-Vikas Institute Of Business Management
VIBM-Vikrant Institute Of Business Management
VIBRM-Vaishali Institute of Business and Rural Management
VICAS-Vivekanandha College of Arts and Sciences for Women(Autonomous)
VICE-Vision International College of Education
VICST-Venkateshwara Institute of Computer Science and Technology
VICS-Velankanni Institute Of Computer Science
VICS-Vindhya Institute Of Computer Science
VICT-Venus International College of Technology
VICT-Vidya Institute of Creative Teaching
VIC-Vidyasagar Infotech College
VIC-Vinayak International College
VIDA-Venus Institute of Design and Architecture
VIDPC-Vamanrao Ithape D Pharmacy College
VIDSRC-Vydehi Institute of Dental Sciences and Research Centre
VIER-Vadodara Institute of Engineering
VIET-Vaishali Institute Of Education and Technology
VIET-Vaishno Institute of Education and Technology
VIET-Vidhyadeep Institute of Engineering and Technology
VIET-Vikas Institute of Engineering and Technology
VIET-Visakha Institute of Engineering and Technology
VIET-Vishveshwarya Institute of Engineering and Technology
VIET-Vyas Institute of Engineering and Technology
VIETW-Vivekananda Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women
VIETW-Vivekanandha Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women
VIE-Veerayatan Institute of Engineering
VIE-Vidhyapeeth Institute of Education
VIE-Vijay Institute Of Education
VIEW-Vignan Institute Of Engineering For Women
VIEW-Vignans Institute of Engineering for Women
VIFT-Vidya Institute of Fashion Technology
VIFT-Vogue Institute of Fashion Technology
Vignan's Institute of Engineering for Women-VIEW
VIHMCT-Vikas Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology
VIHS-Vijayalakshmi Institute of Hospitality Sciences
VIHTM-Vivekanand Institute Of Hotel And Tourism Management
VIH-Vidyasagar Institute of Health
VIIAS-Vikrant Institute Of Integrated and Advanced Studies
VIILASG-Vikrant Institute of Integrated Learning And Advance Studies Gwalior
VIIMS-Vivekanandha Institute Of Information And Management Studies
VIIT-Baramati-Vidya Pratisthan Institute of Information Technology
VIITB-Vivekanand Institute of Information Technology Barwani
VIITPC-VIIT Polytechnic College
VIIT-Varnam Institute of Information Technology
VIIT-VI Institute Of Technology
VIIT-Vignan Institute Of Information Technology
VIIT-Vignans Institute of Information Technology
VIIT-Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology
Vikrant vollage(RGPV-Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya)
VILM-Vivek Institute of Laboratory Medicine
VIMAHS-Vadamalayan Institute of Medical And Allied Health Sciences
VIMA-Vancouver Institute of Media Arts
VIMCS-Vasavi Institute Of Management And Computer Sciences
VIMEET-Vishwaniketan Institute of Management Entrepreneurship And Engineering Technology
VIMEET-Vishwaniketans Institute of Management Entrepreneurship and Engineering Technology
ViMEET-Vishwaniketans Institute of Management Entreprenuership and Engineering Technology
VIMITE-Vestal Institute of Management and Information Technology Eluru
VIMIT-Vestal Institute of Management and Information Technology
VIMIT-Vivekanand Institute of Management and Information Technology
VIMJ-Vyas Institute of Management Jodhpur
VIMK-Vijaya Institute Of Management Khammam
VIMR-Vindhya Institute of Management And Research
VIMR-Vindhya Institute of Management and Research Satna
VIMR-Viva Institute Of Management And Research
VIMSCG-Viswanadh Institute of Medical Sciences College of Guntur
VIMSCMLT-Vikas Institute of Medical Sciences College of Medical Lab Technology
VIMSCMLT-Vims College Of Medical Lab Technology
VIMSCP-Vikas Institute of Medical Sciences College of Physiotherapy
VIMSCPV-VIMS College of Physiotheraphy Vijayawada
VIMSRC-Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre
VIMS-Vaagdevi Institute of Management Science
VIMS-Vaageswari Institute Of Management Sciences
VIMS-Vardhman Institute of Medical Sciences
VIMS-Vedantaa Institute Of Medical Sciences
VIMS-Velankanni Institute Of Management Studies
VIMS-Vijayanagara Institute of Medical Sciences
VIMS-Vikram Institute of Management and Science
VIMS-Visakha Institute Of Management Science
VIMS-Vivekananda Institute Of Management Studies
VIMS-Vysya Insititute Of Management Studies
VIMS-Vysya Institute Of Management Studies
VIMSW-Vijaya Institute of Management Sciences for Women
VIMTE-Vivekananda Institute of Management
VIMTE-Vivekananda Institute of Management and Technology Etawah
VIMT-Vedant Institute of Management and Technology
VIMT-Vidhyadeep Institute of Management And Technology
VIMT-Vignan Institute of Management and Technology
VIMT-Vignanasudha Institute of Management And Technology
VIMT-Vivekanand Institute of Management and Technology
VIMTW-Vignans Institute of Management and Technology for Women
VIM-Vaishnavi Institute Of Management
VIM-Venkateshwara Institute Of Management
VIM-Venkateshwara Institute of Management Peth Naka
VIM-Vidyasagar Institute of Management Bhopal
VIM-Vijay Institute Of Management
VIM-Vijaya Institute Of Management
VIM-Vikrant Institute Of Management
VIM-Vinayak Institute of Management
VIM-Vishwakarma Institute of Management
VIM-Vivekananda Institute of Management
VIM-Vyas Insititute of Management
VINE-Vrundavan Institute Of Nursing Education
VINSRC-Vydehi Institute of Nursing Sciences and Research Center
VINS-Varadaraja Institute of Nursing Sciences
VINS-Vidyakirana Institute of Nursing Sciences
VIN-Vinayaka Institute of Nursing
VIOIAM-Vankhandeshwar Institute of It And Management
VIOR-Vasan Institute of Ophthalmology and Research
VIPCM-VIP College Of Management
VIPCN-VIP College Of Nursing
VIPER-Vaish Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research Rohtak
VIPER-Vedic Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research
VIPER-Vishal Institute Of Pharmaceutical Education And Research
VIPER-Vishnu Institute Of Pharmaceutical Education And Research
VIPS - Visakha Institute for Professional Studies
VIPSG- Vidyarthi Institute Of Professional Studies Gwalior
VIPS-Vaagdevi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
VIPS-Vaageswari Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
VIPS-Vasavi Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
VIPS-Venkateshwara Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
VIPS-Victor Institute Of Professional Studies
VIPS-Vidhyadevi Institute of Professional Studies
VIPS-Vidyarthi Institute Of Professional Studies
VIPS-Vignan Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
VIPS-Vikas Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
VIPS-Visveswarapura Institute Of Pharmaceutical Science
VIPS-Viswanadha Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
VIPS-Vivekananda Institute for Professional Studies
VIPS-Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies
VIPSV-Visakha Institute for Professional Studies Visakhapatnam
VIPSW-Vijaya Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences For Women
VIPT-Vignan Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology
VIP-Vamanrao Ithape Polytechnic
VIP-Veerayatan Institute of Pharmacy
VIP-Vidarbha Institute of Pharmacy
VIP-Vidhyadeep Institute of Physiotherapy
VIP-Vinayaka Institute of Physiotherapy
VIP-Viva Institute Of Pharmacy
VISAM-Vignan Institute of Science And Arts Mandapeta
VISB-Vidya International School of Business
VISCA-Vivekanand Institute of Science Technology Ambikapur
VISD-Virasat Institute For Skill Development
Vishwa Bharathi junior and degree college -sunsity
VISIT - Sri Venkateswara college
VISIT - Sri Venkateswara Institute of Science and Information Technology
VISIT-Vivekananda Institute Of Science and Information Technology
VISMGS-VISM Group of Studies
VISM-Vijayaraje Institute of Science and Management
VISN-Vision PG College
VISPL- Vision India Services Pvt Ltd
VISS-Vidhyadeep Institute of Science Surat
VISTAS-Vels Institute of Science Technology and Advanced Studies
VIST-Vathsalya Institute Of Science and Technology
VIST-Vidhyapeeth Institute Of Science And Technology
VIST-Vijnan Institute of Science and Technology
VIST-Vivekananda Institute Of Science and Technology Mandsaur
VISWASSCN-VISWASS College of Nursing
VIT - Viva Institute of Technology
VIT Jaipur - Vivekananda Institute of Technology - Jaipur
VITAE-Vignan Institute of Technology and Aeronautical Engineering
VITAM-Viswanadha Institute of Technology and Management
VITAPU-VIT-AP University
VIT-Bangalore-Vivekananda Institute of Technology
VITBU-VIT Bhopal University
VITB-Vellore Institute of Technology Bhopal
VITC-Vellore Institute of Technology bhopal
VITC-Vellore Institute of Technology Chennai
VITJ-Vivekananda Institute of Technology Jaipur
VITM-Vignan Institute of Technology and Management
Vitm-vikrant group of institutions gwalior
VITM-Vikrant Institute of Technology and Management
VITM-Vision Institute of Management
VITM-Viswanadha Institute of Technology and Management
VITSCE-VITS College of Engineering
VITSEC-VITS Engineering College
VITSGIFET-VITS Group of Institutions Faculty of Engineering and Technology
VITSM-Vidyasthali Institute of Technology Science and Management
VITS-Vaagdevi Institute of Technology and Science
VITS-Vaishnavi Institute of Science and Technology
VITS-Vaishnavi Institute of Technology and Science
VITS-Vidya Institute Of Technology And Science
VITS-Vignan Institute of information technology
VITS-Vignan Institute of Technology and Science
VITS-Vindhya Institute of Technology and Science
VITS-Vindhya Institute of Technology and Science Indore
VITS-Vinuthna Institute of Technology and Science
VITS-Visakha Institute of Technology and Science
VITS-Vivekanand Institute of Technology and Science
VITS-Vivekanand Institute of Technology and Science Ghaziabad
VITS-Vivekananda Institute of Technology and Science
VITT-Vidhyashram Institute of Teachers Training
VIT-Vadivelan Institute of Technology
VIT-Vaishnavi Institute of Technology
VIT-Valia Institute of Technology
VIT-Vedang Institute of Technology
VIT-Vedhantha Institute Of Technology
VIT-Vedica Institute of Technology
VIT-Velammal Institute of Technology
VIT-Vellore Institute of Technology
VIT-Vellore Institute of Technology ap
VIT-Vellore Institute of Technology Bhopal
VIT-Vellore Institute of Technology bl
VIT-Vellore Institute of Technology Vellore
VIT-Vellore Institute of Technology, AP
VIT-Vellore Institute of Technology, bhopal
VIT-Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore
VIT-Vemana Institute of Technology
VIT-Vemu Institute of Technology
VIT-Venkatashwer Institute of Technology
VIT-Venkateshwara Institute of Technology
VIT-Vi Institute of Technology
VIT-Vidarbha Institute of Technology
VIT-Vidyalankar Institute of Technology
VIT-Vidyasagar Institute of Technology
VIT-Vijaya Institute of Technology
VIT-Vijayanjali Institute of Technology
VIT-Vikash Institute Of Technology
VIT-Vishnu Institute of Technology
VIT-Vishveshwarya Institute of Technology
VIT-Vishwakarma Institute of Technology
VIT-Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Pune
VIT-Vision Institute of Technology
VIT-Vision Institute of Technology Kanpur
Vit-Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology
VIT-Vivekanand Institute of Technology
VIT-Vivekananda Institute of Technology
VIT-Vivekananda Institute of Technology Bangalore
VIT-Vizag Institute of Technology
VITW-Vijaya Institute of Technology for Women
VIU-Vancouver Island University
VIVASA-VIVA School Of Architecture
VI-Vector Institute
VI-Victoria Institution
VI-Viraat Institute
VJCN-Victoria Jubilee College Of Nursing
VJCP-Victoria Jubilee College Of Physiotherapy
VJCP-Vidya Jyoti College Of Pharmacy
VJCP-VJs College Of Pharmacy
VJCTE-Vathsala Johnson College of Teacher Education
VJC-Vignan Junior College
VJC-Vivek Jyoti College
VJDC-Vidya Jyothi Degree College
VJDC-Visionary Junior and Degree College
VJDPGC-Vidya Jyothi Degree and PG College
VJEC-Vidya Jyoti Educational Society
VJEC-Vimal Jyothi Engineering College
VJEC-Vimal Jyothi Engineering Collegeb
VJFGCV-Vasavi Jnanapeeta First Grade College Vijayanagar
VJIAS - Vignana Jyothi Institute of Arts and Sciences
VJIMR-Vimal Jyothi Institute Of Management And Research
VJIMT-Vidya Jyothi Institute Of Management And Technology
VJIM-Vignana Jyothi Institute of Management
VJIT-Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology
VJKMIAD-VJKM Institute Of Architecture Design
VJKMIMCS-VJKM Institute of Management and Computer Studies
VJKMSCAC-VJKM Science Commerce and Arts College
VJMA-Vedang Jyotish Mahavidyalaya Aurangabad
VJPCE-VJP College of Education
VJPP-Vasavi Jnana Peetha evening college Bangalore
VJPP-Vasavi Jnana Peetha Polytechnic
VJP-VJ Polytechnic
VJRC-Venigalla Jayasri Ram College
VJRC-Vijaygarh Jyotish Ray College
VJSCE-V J Shinde College Of Engineering
VJSMACSM-VJ Shinde Mahila Arts Commerce and Science Mahavidhyalaya
VJSMIP-Vishal Junnar Seva Mandals Institute Of Pharmacy
VJSMIPW-Vishal Junnar Seva Mandals Institute Of Pharmacy For Women
VJSPC-V J Shinde Polytechnic College
VJTI-Veermata Jijabai Technical Institute
VJTI-Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute
VJTI-Veermata Jijabai Technological Instituteni
VKAC-Vastu Kala Academy College
VKA-Vastu Kala Academy
VKA-Veda Karmakand and Agam
VKCCMS-Vasant Kale College of Computational and Management Sciences
VKCET-Valia Koonambaikulathamma College of Engineering and Technology
VKCET-Vishnu Lakshmi College of Engineering and Technology
VKCJCS-Vasantrao Kale College of Journalism and Computer Science
VKCNV-Vijaya Krishna College of Nursing Visakhapatnam
VKCPACSC-VK Chavan Patil Arts Commerce and Science College
VKCTE-Vivekananda Kendra College of Teacher Education
VKC-Vinit Kissan College
VKDC-Veer Kunwar Degree College
VKDC-Vidya Kendran Degree College
VKDC-Vishal Kanya Degree College
VKDPGC-Vidya Kendram Degree And Post Graduate College
VKFGC-Vishwakavi Kuvempu First Grade College
VKGDC-Venkayya Kusayya Guttedar Degree College
VKGM-Vimal Kumar Gupta Mahavidyalaya
VKG-Vijaya Kalamandira Gadag
VKHMCH-Vasantrao Kale Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital
VKIACDC-V K International Arts and Commerce Degree College
VKITS-Vijaya Krishna Institute of Technology and Science
VKIT-Veer Kunwar Institute Of Technology
VKJCE-VK Jain College of Education
VKKMCCESSDCS-V K Krishna Menon College of Commerce and Economics and Sharad Shankar Dighe College of Science
VKKMCC-VK Krishna Menon College Of Commerce
VKKVEC-V K K Vijayan Engineering College
VKMM- Vinod Kumar Mahila Mahavidyalaya
VKMT - Vishvakarma Kanya Mahavidyalaya Tappal
VKM-Vasant Kanya Mahavidyalaya
VKM-Vasantrao Kale Mahavidyalaya
VKM-Vasundhara Kala Mahavidyalaya
VKM-Vidyasagar Kala Mahavidyalaya
VKM-Vidyotma Kanya Mahavidhalaya
VKM-Vidyotma Kanya Mahavidyalaya
VKM-Vidyotma Kanya Mahavidyalaya Muzzafarnagar
VKM-Vindhya Kanya Mahavidyalaya
VKPGCJ-Vedic Kanya PG College Jaipur
VKPGC-Vindhya Kanya PG College
VKPGM-Vedic Kanya PG Mahavidyalaya
VKPPC-V K P Polytechnic College
VKP-Vidya Knowledge Park
VKRC-Vemulapalli Kodanda Ramaiah College
VKRVNBAGKCOE-VKR VNB AGK College of Engineering
VKSCET-VKS College Of Engineering And Technology
VKSE-Vishva Kaushalya Skill Empowerment
VKSMCKM - VKS Mahila College Kashi Mednipur
VKSMC-Veer Kunwar Singh Mahila College
VKSU-Veer Kunwar Singh University
VKVGDCK - VKV Government Degree College Kothapeta
VKVGDC-VKV Government Degree College
VKVK-Vidyaam Kaushal Vikas Kendra
VLBJACET-V L B Janaki Ammal College of Engineering and Technology
VLBJCAS-V L B Janakiammal College of Arts and Science
VLBJCAS-V L Balakrishna Janakiammal College Of Arts And Science
VLBJCET-V L B Janakiammal College of Engineering and Technology
VLCP-VL College of Pharmacy
VLCT-Vidyodaya Law College Tumkur
VLC-Vankisannarudrappa Law College
VLC-Vidyasthali Law College
VLC-Vidyavardhaka Law College
VLC-Vidyodaya Law college
VLC-Vivekanand Law College
VLCV-Visakha Law College Visakhapatnam
VLDCCBM-Vidya Latha Degree College of Commerce and Business Management
VLH-Vidyarathi Learning Hub
VLITC-Vignan s Lara Institute of Technology and Science
VLITS-Vignan Lara Institute of Technology and Science
VLITS-Vignans Lara Institute of Technology and Science
VLI-Vishal Law Institute
VLM-Vijayamahantesh Lalitakala Mahavidyalaya
VLSMV-Veer Lorik Sughar Mahavidyalaya Vigah
VM - Vanseva Mahavidhyalay
VM - Vedvyas Mahavidyalaya
VMABGDC - Virangana Maharani Avanti Bai Government Degree College
VMACN-Vinayaka Mission Annapoorana College of Nursing
VMBAMCAC-Vasavi MBA And MCA College
VMB-Vivekanand Mahavidhyaly Barmer
VMB-Vivekanand Mahavidyalaya Bhadrawati
VMCACS-Vande Mataram College of Arts Commerce and Science
VMCAMBAC-Vasavi MCA and MBA College
VMCE-Veena Memorial College of Education
VMCE-Vijay Memorial College of Education
VMCE-Vimal Muni College of Education
VMCHRI-Velammal Medical College Hospital and Research Institute
VMCN-Velankanni Matha College of Nursing
VMCN-Vijay Marie College Of Nursing
VMCN-Vinayaka Mission College of Nursing
VMCN-Vinayaka Mission College of Nursing Karaikal
VMCN-VM College Of Nursing
VMCP-Vinayaka Missions College of Pharmacy
VMCP-Vinayaka Missions College of Pharmacy
VMCP-Vinayaka Missions College of Pharmacy Salem
VMCTE-Valiyam Memorial College for Teacher Education
VMC-Vaishali Mahila College
VMC-Vardhman Mahavir College
VMC-Vemana Dedgree College
VMC-Vidyasagar MEd College
VMC-Viswabharathi Medical College
VMDCACS-Vande Mataram Degree College of Arts Commerce And Science
VMDC-Vidya Mandir Degree College
VMDCW-Villa Marie Degree College for Women
VMEI- Vishambhar Memorial Educational Institute
VMGPC-V M Government Polytechnic College Narsinghpur
VMHMC-Vinayaka Missions Homoeopathic Medical College
VMHPSCP-V M H P Shah College of Pharmacy
VMIET-VM Institute of Engineering and Technology
VMIT-V M Institute of Engineering and Technology
VMIT-Vethathiri Maharishi Institute Of Technology
VMIT-Vidhya Mandhir Institute Of Technology
VMIT-Vidya Memorial Institute of Technology
VMK-Vasavi Mahila Kalasala
VMK-Vasavi Mahila Kalasala Kurnool
VMKVEC-V M K V Engineering College
VMKVEC-Vinayaka Missions Kirupananda Variyar Engineering College
VMK-Vimla Mahavidyalaya Khor
VMKVMCH-Vinayaka Missions Kirupananda Variyar Medical College and Hospital
VMLATS-Veena Memorial Livestock Assistant Training School
VMLBGGDC-Veerangana Maharani Laxmi Bai Government Girls Degree College
VMLCES-V M Lingaiah College of Education Somanahalli
VMLGC-Vidyavati Mukand Lal Girls College
VMLGGDC-Veerangna Maharani Laxmibai Government Girls Degree College
VMLGGD-Veerangana Maharani Laxmibai Government Girls Degree
VMMA-Vidyaniketan Mahila Mahavidyalaya Arvi
VMMCH-Vinayaka Missions Medical College and Hospital
VMMC-Vardhman Mahavir Medical College
VMMG-Vimal Mahila Mahavidyalay Gorakhpur
VMMMSCTCAC - Vidya Mandir Mandals Matoshree Sumati Chintamani Tipnis College of Arts and Commerce
VMMM-Vindyavasini Mahila Mahavidyalaya Mirzapur
VMM-Vaish Mahila Mahavidyalaya
VMM-Vaishnav Mata Mahavidyalaya
VMM-Vanvashi Mahila Mahavidyalaya
VMM-Vanvasi Mahila Mahavidyalaya
VMM-Ved Mahila Mandal
VMM-Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya Malkapur
VMM-Vikash Mahila Mahavidyalaya
VMM-Vindhya Mahila Mahavidyalaya
VMM-Vivekananda Mission Mahavidyalaya
VMNICM-Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Cooperative Management
VMOU-Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University
VMOU-Vardhman Mahaveer Open University
VMPCE-Vpms Maharshi Parshuram College Of Engineering
VMPCMS-V M Patel College of Management Studies
VMPGCW-Villa Marie PG College for Women
VMPGM-Vasundhara Mahila PG Mahavidyalaya
VMP-Vasantrao More Polytechnic
VMRF-Vinayaka Mission Research Foundation
VMRF-Vinayaka Missions Research Foundation
VMRP-VMR Polytechnic
VMSCAS-Vinayaka Mission Sikkim College Of Arts and Science
VMSCL-V M Salgaocar College of Law
VMSCN-Vinayaka Mission Sikkim College of Nursing
VMSCP-Vinayaka Missions Sikkim College of Pharmacy
VMSCP-VMS College of Pharmacy
VMSC-Venkatesh Mahajan Senior College
VMSDC-Vinayaka Missions Sankarachariyar Dental College
VMSIIHE-V M Salgaocar Institute of International Hospitality Education
VMSIM-VMS Institute Of Management
VMSPC-VMS Polytechnic College
VMSPM - Vivekanand Mahila Shikshan PRahikshan Mahvi
VMSPM-Vasundhara Mahila Shikshak Prashikshan Mahavidyalaya
VMSPM-Vidyasthali Mahila Shikshak Prashikshan Mahavidhalaya
VMSPM-Vivekanand Mahila Shikshak Prashikshan Mahavidyalaya
VMSPNCE-Virudhunagar MSP Nadar College of Education
VMSRVASVSBCCH-VM SR Vastrad Arts Science and VS Bellihal Commerce College Hungund
VMSU-Vinayaka Missions Sikkim University
VMS-Vidhi Mahavidyalaya Samastipur
VMS-Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya Sangola
VMSWC-Vivekananda M S W College
VMTDRDSEC-Veltech Multi Tech Dr Rangarajan Dr Sakunthala Engineering College
VMTW-Vignan's Institute of Management and Technology for Women
VMU -Vinayaka Mission University
VMU-Vinayaka Mission University
VMU-Vinayaka Missions University
VMU-Vinayaka Missions Universityd
VMU-Vytautas Magnus University
VM-Vaidic Mahavidyalaya
VM-Vanijya Mahavidyalaya
VM-Vanijya Mahavidyalaya patna university
VM-Vanijya Mahavidylaya
VM-Vansthli Mahavidyalaya
VM-Vasant Mahavidyalaya
VMVCJMTAJJPSC-VMV Commerce JMT Arts and JJP Science College
VMVCN-V M V College
VMVCN-V M V College Nagpur
VM-Vedant Mahavidyalaya
VM-Vedyas Mahavidyalaya
VM-Vidarbha Mahavidyalaya
VM-Vidhi Mahavidyalaya Samastipur
VM-Vidyaniketan Mahavidyalaya
VM-Vidyarthi Mahavidyalay
VM-Vidyasagar Mahavidyalaya
VM-Vishwakarma Mahavidyalaya
VM-Vivekanand Mahavidyalaya
VM-Vivekanand Mahavidyalaya Ballia
VM-Vivekanand Mahavidyalaya Bijnor
VM-Vivekanand Mahavidyalaya Raipur
VM-Vivekananda Mahavidyalaya
VM-Vivekananda Mahavidyalaya Burdwan
VMVM-Vaishnav Mata Vidhi Mahavidyalaya
VM-Vyankatesh Mahavidyalaya
VMWDC-Veervanite Mallamma Womens Degree College
VMW-Vaishnavi Mahavidyalaya Wadwani
VNACBNM-Vishwasrao Naik Arts Commerce and Baba Naik Mahavidyalaya
VNACBNSM-Vishwasrao Naik Arts Commerce and Baba Naik Science Mahavidyalaya
VNASCC-Vasantrao Naik Arts Science and Commerce College
VNBIMS-V N Bedekar Institute of Management Studies
VNBPDC-VNBP Degree College
VNBP-VNB Polytechnic
VNBSM-VN Bhatkhande Sangeet Mahavidhyalaya
VNCAB-Vasantrao Naik College of Agricultural Biotechnology
VNCASC-Vikas Night College of Arts Science and Commerce
VNCE-Vidya Niketan College of Engineering
VNCN-Vasantrao Naik College of Nursing
VNC-Ved Nursing College
VNC-Venkateswara Nursing College
VNC-Vibrant Nursing College
VNC-Vignesh Nursing College
VNC-Vijay Nagar College
VNCVN-Vasantrao Naik College Vasarni Nanded
VNCW-Vivekanandha Nursing College for Women
VNEC-Veerappa Nisty Engineering College
VNGCA-Vasantrao Naik Gramin College Of Agriculture
VNGIASS-Vasantrao Naik Government Institute of Arts and Social Science
VNGIASS-Vasantrao Naik Government Institute of Arts and Social Sciences
VNIET-Vidya Niketan Institute of Engineering and Technology
VNIMS-Vani Niketan Institute Of Management Studies
VNITSW-Vignan Nirula Institute Of Technology And Science For Women
VNITSW-Vignan's btechNirula Institute of Technology and Science for Women
VNITSW-Vignans Nirula Institute of Technology and Science for Women
VNITSW-Vignan's Nirula Institute of Technology and Science for Women
VNIT-Vasantrao Naik Institute Of Technology
VNIT-Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology
VNKNCASW-V N Krishnasamy Naidu College of Arts and Science for Women
VNMKV- Vasantrao Naik Marathawada Krishi Vidyapeeth
VNMKV-Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth
VNMT-Veer Narayan Mahavidyalaya Tamia
VNMU-Vinnitsa National Medical University
VNM-Vasantrao Naik Mahavidyalaya
VNPLC-V N Patil Law College
VNPM-Vishwa Nath Prasad Mahavidyalaya
VNRCE-Velaga Nageswara Rao College Of Engineering
VNRKDC-Vishwa Nath Rai Kakand Degree College
VNRVJIET-Vallurupalli Nageshwara Rao Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology
VNRVJIET-Vallurupalli Nageswara Rao Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology
VNRVJIET-VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology
VNSBLACC-VNSB Ltd Arts and Commerce College
VNSBS-VNS Business School
VNSCPEMS-VNS College of Physical Education And Management Studies
VNSCPE-VNS College of Physical Education
VNSGU-Veer Narmad South Gujarat University
VNSGU-Veer Narmad South Gujarat UniversitySURAT
VNSIET-Virendra Nath Shukla Institute of Education and Technology
VNSIM-VNS Institute of Management
VNSIT-VNS Institute of Technology
VNSM-Vasantrao Naik Shikshanshastra Mahavidyalaya
VNSSC-Vellappally Natesan Shashtiabdapoorthi Smaraka College
VNTTCP-Vidya Niketan Teachers Training College Patna
VOCCE-VOC College of Education
VOCC-V O Chidambaram College
VOGCE-Vishwatmak Om Gurudev College Of Engineering
VOU-Venkateshwara Open University
VPAMCIY-Vasantdada Patil Ayurvedic Medical College and Institute Of Yoga
VPASCC-Vidya Pratishthans Arts Science and Commerce College
VPB-Vikash Polytechnic Bargarh
VPCB-Valia Polytechnic College Bharuch
VPCCECM-Vidya Prabodhini College of Commerce Education Computer and Management
VPCCE-Vidya Prabodhini College of Commerce Education
VPCE-Vidya Pratishthan College of Engineering
VPCE-Vidya Pratishthans College of Engineering
VPCPT-Venkata Padmavathi College of Physiotherapy Tirupati
VPCP-V P College Of Pharmacy
VPCSC-Vidya Pratishthan Commerce and Science College
VPC-Vaani Polytechnic College
VPC-Valliammai Polytechnic College
VPC-Vandayar Polytechnic College
VPC-Varadharajan Polytechnic College
VPC-Vasant Polytechnic College
VPC-Vashisth Polytechnic College
VPC-Veludaiyar Polytechnic College
VPC-Venkatramana Polytechnic College
VPC-Vesaja Patel College
VPC-Vesaka Patel College
VPC-Vickram Polytechnic College
VPC-Victor Public College
VPC-Vignan Pharmacy College
VPC-Vignesh Polytechnic College
VPC-Vigneshwara Polytechnic College
VPC-Vikas Pharmacy College
VPC-Vikas Pharmacy College Vissannapeta
VPC-Vikas Polytechnic College
VPC-Vikas Polytechnic College Siddavatam
VPC-Vinayakrao Patil College
VPC-Vivekanand Polytechnic College
VPC-Vivekananda Polytechnic College
VPC-Vivekananda Polytechnic College Khetri
VPDC-Vasantdada Patil Dental College
VPDPHCET-Vachana Pitamaha Dr P G Halakatti College of Engineering and Technology
VPDPHCE-Vachana Pitamaha Dr P G Halakatti College of Engineering
VPFE-Vidya Pratishthans Faculty Of Education
VPGCEM-Vishwabharathi PG College Of Engineering And Management
VPGCJ-Vinayak PG College Jaipur
VPGCS-Vinayak PG College Sikar
VPGC-Varadaraja PG College
VPGC-Vidyarthi PG College
VPGC-Vijaya PG College
VPGC-Vinodini PG College
VPGC-Vision PG College
VPGC-Vivekananda PG College
VPGC-Vivekananda Post Graduate Centre
VPGGC-Vedanta PG Girls College
VPGMM-Vedanta PG Mahila Mahvi
VPGM-Vivek PG Mahavidhyalaya
VPGM-Vivek PG Mahavidyalaya
VPICA-Vidya Pratishthan Indapur College of Architecture
VPICA-Vidya Pratishthans Indapur College of Architecture
VPIIT-Vidya Pratishthans Institute of Information Technology
VPIMSR-V P Institute of Management Studies and Research
VPIMSR-Vasantrao Patil Institute of Management Studies and Research
VPIMSR-Vasantraodada Patil Institute of Management Studies and Research
VPIMS-Venkata Padmavathi Institute Of Medical Sciences
VPIP - Vasantidevi Patil Institute of Pharmacy
VPI-Vishwabharti Polytechnic Institute
VPKBIET-Vidya Pratishthans Kamalnayan Bajaj Institute of Engineering and Technology
VPLC-Vasantrao Pawar Law College
VPMACSC-Vidya Prasarak Mandals Arts Commerce and Science College
VPMBMK-Viswanath Prasad Mahavidyalaya Bhikhanpur Muratganj Kaushambi
VPMCCE-Vikas Parishad Mandre College of Commerce and Economics Mandhlamanj Mandrem
VPMCU-Vidyarathna Para Medical College Udupi
VPMC-Vidyarathna Para Medical College
VPMMCAW-VPMM College of Architecture For Women
VPMMCN-VPMM College of Nursing
VPMMECW-VPMM Engineering College For Women
VPMPMAASC-V P Muthaiah Pillai Meenakshi Ammal Arts and Science College for Women
VPMPMAECW-V P Muthaiah Pillai Meenakshi Ammal Engineering College for Women
VPMPP-VPMP Polytechnic
VPMP-Vidya Prasarak Mandal Polytechnic
VPMP-Vidya Prasarak Mandals Polytechnic
VPMP-VPMP Polytechnic
VPMRZSCASC-V P M R Z Shah College of Arts Science and Commerce
VPMRZSC-VPMs R Z Shah College
VPMSSRNASMBSCC-VP Mandals Shri SRN Arts And Sh MBS Commerce College
VPM-Vidya Prakash Mahavidyalaya
VPM-Vidya Prasarak Mandal
VPM-Vinayakrao Patil Mahavidyalaya
VPM-Vinayakrao Patil MahavidyalayaVaijapur
VPM-Vithalrao Patil Mahavidyalaya
VPM-Vitthalrao Patil Mahavidyalaya
VPM-Vyavsay Prashasan Mahavidyalaya
VPPC-Vidya Pratishthan Polytechnic College
VPPC-Vidya Pratishthans Polytechnic College Pune
VPPGSMACC-Vasantdada Patil Pratishthan Guruvaraya Sadanand Maharaj Arts and Commerce College
VPP-Vitthal Patil Polytechnic
VPRCE-VPR College of Education
VPRPTPSCA-VP and RPTP Science College Anand
VPRPTPSC-Vitthalbhai Patel and Rajratna PT Patel Science College
VPSASCC-Vidya Prasarini Sabhas Arts Science and Commerce College
VPSASCC-Vidya Pratishthans Supe Arts Science And Commerce College
VPSASCC-Vidya Pratishthans Supe Arts Science And Commerce College Baramati
VPSA-Vidya Pratishthans School of Architecture
VPSB-Vidya Pratishthans School of Biotechnology Baramati
VPSCBCAB-Vidya Prasarak Society College Of BCA Bagalkot
VPSCET-Vidya Prasarini Sabhas College of Engineering and Technology
VPSCE-Vidya Prasarak Samitis College of Education
VPSCE-Vidya Pratishthan Sanchlit College of Education
VPSC-Virchand Patel Smarak College
VPSM-Venkatesh Parankush Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya
VPSPMIET-Vinayakrao Patil Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Institute Of Engineering And Technology
VPSPMIET-VPSPM Institute of Engineering and Technology
VPSPMSACSCK-VPSPMS Arts Commerce and Science College Kannad
VPSPMSACSC-VPSPMS Arts Commerce And Science College
VPUC-Vidyaniketan PU College
VPUC-Vivekananda Pre University College
VPUPM-Vinda Pal Ugrasen Pal Mahavidyalaya
VPVAC-Vaidyaratnam PS Varier Ayurveda College
VP-Vasavi Polytechnic
VPVCE-VPV College of Engineering
VP-Vedvyas Polytechnic
VP-Veerayatan Polytechnic
VP-Vidyalankar Polytechnic
VP-Vidyavardhaka Polytechnic
VP-Vijayalakshmi Polytechnic
VP-Vikramshila Polytechnic Darapur
VP-Visweswaraiah Polytechnic
VP-Vivekanand Polytechnic Bhandara
VPVPDC - Vindhyavasini Prasad Vidyakant Pandit Degree College
VRACC-V R Arts Commerce College
VRAIGAC-VRA Lodhi Government Arts and Commerce
VRBDC-Vimla Rani Bhargava Degree College
VRC - Vishnu Rajoriya College
VRCE-V R College of Engineering
VRCE-Varadha Reddy College of Engineering
VRCE-VR College of Education
VRCMIT-V R College of Management and Information Technology
VRC-V R College Nellore
VRDC-V R Degree College
VRDKGAGDC-Vidya Ratna Dr KGA Gupta Degree College
VRDS-VR Driving School
VREC-Vijay Rural Engineering College
VREC-Vijaya Rural Engineering College
VRGC-Vidya Rattan Group Of College
VRGGPGC-Vijaya Raje Government Girls PG College
VRHMCHG-Vasundhara Raje Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital Gwalior
VRICA-Vidya Rattan Institute Of Computer Application
VRIPGS-V R Institute of Post Graduate Studies
VRLC-V R Law College
VRMBEC-Vijaya Raje Mahila B Ed College
VRMBEC-Vivekananda Ramakrishna Mission B Ed College
VRMDC-Vagishwari Rambari Mahila Degree College
VRM-Vimla Ramashankar Mahavidyalaya
VRNCCSM-VRN College of Computer Science and Management
VRPBEC-Valiba R Patel B Ed College
VRPC-V Ramakrishna Polytechnic College
VRPC-Vairamani Ramasamy Polytechnic College
VRP-Vidya Rattan Polytechnic
VRRDC-VRR Degree College
VRSCET-V R S College of Engineering and Technology
VRSDC-VRS Degree College
VRSEC-V R Siddhartha Engineering College
VRSEC-VelagaBTpudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College
VRSEC-Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College
VRSS- VR Sainik Synergy
VRS-Vikash Residential School
VRSYRNCET-VRS and YRN College of Engineering and Technology
VRTTC-Vishun Rajdeo Teachers Training College
VRWC- Vidya Rai Womans College Varanasi
VSACSCD-Vidyawardhini Sabhas Arts Commerce and Science College Dhule
VSAC-Vithalrao Shinde Arts College
VSAECTGI-VSA Educational And Charitable Trusts Group Of Institutions
VSAGI-V S A Group of Institutions
VSAMCRC-Vishamber Sahai Ayurvedic Medical College and Research Center
VSAP-Vaishnavi School of Architecture and Planning
VSAP-Vaishnavi School of Architecture and Planning Hyderabad
VSAVDC-VSAV Degree College
VSBBNFGACC-Vidyavardhak Sanghas BB Nyamagoudar First Grade Arts and Commerce College
VSBCETC-V S B College Of Engineering Technical Campus
VSBCETC-V.S.B College of Engineering Technical Campus
VSBCETC-VSB College of Engineering Technical Capmus
VSBCET-VSB College of Engineering Technical
VSBEC-V S B Engineering College
VSBMJ-Veer Sawarkar Balika Mahavidyalaya Jhunjhunun
VSBM-Vijaya School of Business Management
VSBM-Vikash School of Business Management
VSB-Vidya School of Business
VSC- Vagad Shree College
VSCET-Vels Srinivasa College of Engineering and Technology
VSCG-Vidya Sagar College for Girls
VSCMT-Vidya Sagar College of Management and Technology
VSCMT-Vidya Sagar College of Management Technology
VSCNA-Veena Singhi College of Nursing Ahmedabad
VSCN-Varalakshmi School and College of Nursing
VSCN-Vivekananda School and College of Nursing
VSCTE-Venkata Sai College of Teacher Education
VSC-Veda and Sanskrit College
VSC-Vedant Science College
VSC-Vidya Sagar College
VSC-Vishnau Shiksha College Ghurathi
VSC-Vivekanand Science College
VSDCH-Vokkaligara Sangha Dental College And Hospital
VSDC-Venkata Sai Degree College Mahbubnagar
VSDC-Vidya Sadhana Degree College
VSDC-Vidya Sagar Degree College
VSDC-Vignana Sudha Degree College
VSDC-Vijaya Sai Degree College
VSDC-Vijaya Sai Degree College Pattikonda
VSDM- Vishwanath Sharda Devi Mahavidyalaya
VSDM-Verma Shyam Dulari Mahavidyalaya
VSDPC-S V S Degree And Pg College
VSGACC-VSG Arts and Commerce College
VSGC-Veer Savarkar Government College
VSGFGC-Vani Sakkare Government First Grade College
VSGI-Virendra Swarup Group of Institutions
VSGTSM-Varanaseya Shri Goswami Tulasidas Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya
VSHCMSKDC-Veerashaiva Samaji HCMSK Degree College
VSICE-V S Isaac College of Education
VSICS-Virendra Swarup Institute of Computer Studies
VSIM-Vishwakarma Sahajeevan Institute of Management
VSIPSK-Vidhya Sagar Institute of Professional Studies Khategaon
VSIPSU-V S Institute of Prof Studies Ujjain
VSIPS-Vidhya Sagar Institute of Professional Studies
VSIPS-VS Institute Of Professional Studies
VSISCM-Vidya Sanskar Institute of Science Commerce and Management
VSISD-Vasundhara Sanstha Institute of Skill Development
VSIT-Vidyalankar School of Information Technology
VSIT-Vidyalanyankar School of Information Technology
VSIT-Vishnu Sree Institute of Technology
VSI-Vasantdada Sugar Institute
VSJC-Vishweshwar Singh Janta College
VSKCRM-Veer Shaheed Kesari Chand Rajkiya Mahavidyalaya
VSKCRSM-Veer Shaheed Kesari Chand Rajkiya Snatkottar Mahavidyalaya
VSKDDC-Veetrag Swami Kalyan Dev Degree College
VSKMCB-Vabilisetty Satyanaryana Krishna Murthy College Bhimavaram
VSKM-Vikram Singh Kanya Mahavidyalaya
VSKM-Vikram Singh Kanya Mahavidyalya
VSKM-Virendra Singh Katiyar Mahavidyalaya
VSKU-Vijayanagara Sri Krishnadevaraya University
VSK-Vikas Shiksha College
VSLDC-VS Lakshmi Degree College
VSLDC-VSL Degree College
VSLECW-V S Lakshmi Engineering College for Women
VSLIMS-V S Lakshmi Institute Of Management Studies
VSL-Vitasta School Of Law
VSLWDPGC-VS Lakshmi Womens Degree And PG College
VSMAAMETS-V S M Aerospace A M E Training School
VSMBAC-V S M Business Administration College
VSMBCN-VSM BCA Collage Nipani
VSMCA-Viva School of MCA
VSMCE-Vardhman Shiksha Mahavidyalaya College of Education
VSMCE-VSM College of Engineering
VSMCS-V S Mehta College of Science
VSMC-Velumailu Siddha Medical College
VSMC-VSM College Ramachandrapuram
VSMEC-Vanjari Seethaiah Memorial Engineering College
VSMIT-Vidya Samvardhak Mandal Institude of Technology
VSMIT-VSM Institute of Technology
VSMIT-VSMs Institute of Technology
VSMK-Vishwabharati Shiksha Mahavidhyalaya Konta
VSMMPCE-Vaidya Shri MM Patel College of Education
VSMM-Vidhya Sagar Mahila Mahavidyalaya
VSMSIBM-Vishwakarma Sahajeevan Madanbhai Sura Institute of Business Management
VSM-Vamdev Singh Mahavidyalaya
VSM-Vedadarsh Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya
VSM-Visanda Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya
VSM-Vishisht School of Management
VSM-Vishwanath Singh Mahavidyalaya
VSM-Vision School Of Management
VSM-Vivekananda Satavarshiki Mahavidyalaya
VSNASC-Viswabharathi SN Arts and Science College
VSNM-Vishva Shanti Niketan Mahavidyalaya
VSNSM-Vijendrapal Singh Netrapal Singh Mahavidhyalaya
VSOL-Vijaybhoomi School of Law
VSPCAS-VS Patel College of Arts And Science
VSPC-Vijay Singh Pathik College
VSPGC-Vijay Singh Pathik Government College
VSPGS-Vignan School of Post Graduation Studies
VSPIL-Vijay Singh Pathik Institute of Law
VSPL-Virma Skills Pvt Ltd
VSPM - Vaidik Shikshan Prashikshan Mahavidyalay
VSPM CE - VSPM College of Education
VSPMCP-VSPM College of Physiotherapy
VSPMDCRC-VSPMs Dental College and Research Centre
VSPM-Vedant Sikshan Prasikshan Mahavidayalaya
VSPM-Vivekanand Shikshak Prashikshan Mahavidhyalay
VSPRM-Vijay Singh Pathik Rajkiya Mahavidyalaya
VSRAMDC-VSR and AM Degree College
VSRGDC-VSR Government Degree and College
VSRGDPGC-VSR Government Degree and PG College
VSRLC-Vunki Sanna Rudrappa Law College
VSRMM-Virendra Singh Ramvati Memorial Mahavidyalaya
VSRNVRC-V S R and N V R College
VSSAC-Vyankatesh Sewa Samitis Arts College
VSSBBNCE - V V Sanghs Sha Bhawarlal Babulal Nahar College Of Education
VSSBEDC-Vanvasi Sewa Samaj B Ed College
VSSCGAC-V S Sivalingam Chettiar Government Arts College
VSSC-V S S College
VSSC-Varanaseya Shrichand Sanskrit College
VSSC-Vindhya Shiksha Samiti College
VSSDC-Vikramajit Singh Sanatan Dharma College
VSSDM- Vishram Singh Shanti Devi Mahavidyalaya
VSSFGCS-VSS First Grade College Sadhanapura
VSSIMSR-Veer Surendra Sai Institute of Medical Sciences and Research
VSSMC-V S S Medical College
VSSM-Vaidikadarsh Snatakottar Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya
VSSSVC-Vishwadip S S S Vishwakarma College
VSSUT-Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology
VSSVD- Venkateshwar Shiksha Samiti Vill Dhillon
VSS-Vidhik Shaikshanik Sansthan
VSSW-Vidyasagar School of Social Work
VSTTCB-Vivodhananda Saraswati Teachers Training College B Ed
VSU- Visayas State University
VSUPGC-Vikrama Simhapuri University PG Centre Kavali
VSU-Vikrama Simhapuri University
VSU-Vikrama Simhapuri University PG center
VSU-Virginia State University
VS-Vision Academy
VSWCE-Vidhya Sagar Womens College of Education
VSWC-Vidhya Sagar Womens College
VTCBB-Vidyabharti Trust College of BBA and BCA
VTCFDE-Vishveshwarya Technical Campus Faculty Of Degree Engineering
VTCM-Vishveshwarya Technical Campus Miraj
VTCSCE-V T Choksi Sarvajanik College of Education
VTCSLC-VT Choksi Sarvajanik Law College
VTCSSE-VT Choksi Sarvajanik College of Education
VTC-Vermont Technical College
VTC-Vidyabharti Trust College
VTC-Vijaya Teachers College
VTC-Visakha Technical Campus
VTCVLNSETGI-Visakha Technical Campus Varaha Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Educational Trust Group of Institutions
VTDC-Viswa Teja Degree College
VTDRRDSRTU-Vel Tech Dr R R and Dr S R Technical University
VTEC-Vel Tech Engineering College
VTHTDRDSEC-Vel Tech High Tech Dr Rangarajan Dr Sakunthala Engineering College
VTI-Vaish Technical Institute
VTI-Vidya Training Institute
VTJMDC-V T J M Degree College
VTMCAS-VTM College of Arts and Science
VTMEMBC-Vidyamandir Trust Managed English Medium B Ed College
VTMSASS-Veer Teja Mahila Shikshan Avam Sodh Sansthan
VTMTDRDSEC-Vel Tech Multi Tech Dr Rangarajan Dr Sagunthala Engineering College
VTM-Veer Teja Mahavidyalaya
VTPBCAC-Vimal Tormal Poddar BCA College
VTPCC-Vimal Tormal Poddar Commerce College
VTPC-Vel Tech Polytechnic College
VTPL-Volksy Technologies Private Limited
VTRDSIST-Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr Sagunthala R and D Institute of Science and Technology
VTRRSRTU-Vel Tech R R and S R Technical University
VTRSAC-Vel Tech Ranga Sanku Arts College
VTTC - Vivekanand Teacher Training College
VTTCM-Vidyasagar Teachers Training College Malda
VTTC-Vardhman Teacher Training College
VTTC-Vardhman Teachers Training College
VTTC-Varsha Teachers Training College
VTTC-Vickram Teacher Training College
VTTC-Vidyasagar Teachers Training College
VTTC-Vikas Teacher Training College
VTTC-Visdam Teachers Training College
VTTC-Vivekanand Teachers Training College
VTTC-Vivekananda Teachers Training college
VTTI-Vidyasagar Teachers Training Institute
VTTI-Vidyasagar Teachers Training Institute Parganas
VTTTC-VK Tyagi Teacher Training College
VTUECB-VTU Extension Centre Bangalore
VTUEC-VTU Extension Centre
VTU-NASD Dandeli
VTU-Vel Tech Engineering College
VTU-VEL Tech University
VTU-Visvesvaraya Technological University
VTU-Visvesvaraya Technological University mysuru
VTU-Visveswaraiah Technology University
VT-Viveka Technologies
VUBCN-VU Bethany College Namsai
VUC-Ventspils University College
VUDC-Valigonda Ujwala Degree College
VUP-Virtual University of Pakistan
VUT-Vaal University of Technology
VUU-Virginia Union University
VU-Valparaiso University
VU-Vanderbilt University
VU-Vels University
VU-Victoria University
VU-Vidyashilp University
VU-Vignan University
VU-Vijaybhoomi University
VU-Vikram University
VU-Villanova University
VU-Vilnius University
VU-Vincennes University
VU-Vishwakarma University
VU-Vistula University
VU-Viterbo University
VUW-Victoria University of Wellington
VVACA-Vivek Vardhini Afternoon College of Arts
VVACH-Veena Vadini Ayurvedic College and Hospital
VVACSC-Vidya Vikas Arts Commerce and Science College
VVAC-Vivek Vardhini Arts College
VVAC-Vivekanand Vidhya Ashram College
VVATTC-Vivekanand Vidhya Ashram TT College
VVBDC-Viveka Vardhani Bhaskar Degree College
VVBEC-Vidya Vikas B Ed College
VVCACSPGS-Vivek Vardhini College of Arts Commerce and Science and PG Studies
VVCET-Vetri Vinayaha College of Engineering and Technology
VVCET-Vidyaa Vikas College Of Engineering And Technology
VVCE-V V College of Engineering
VVCE-Veena Vadini College of Education
VVCE-Venkateshwar Vidyapeeth College of Education
VVCE-Vettri Vel College of Education
VVCE-Vidya Vardhaka College of Engineering
VVCE-Vidyaa Vikas College of Education
VVCE-Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering
VVCE-Vijay Vallabh College of Education
VVCE-Vivekananda Vidyalaya College of Education
VVCOE-V V College of Engineering
VVCST-VV College of Science and Technology
VVC-Vivek Vardhini College
VVC-VV College
VVC-VV College Hyderabad
VVC-VV College Shamli
VVDCG-Vijaya Vidyalaya Degree College Gulbarga
VVDCMC-Vijayalakshmi Vishwanath Dalvie College Model College
VVDCP-Vindhya Vasini Degree College Paikmal
VVDC-Vamsee Vinay Degree College
VVEC-V V Evening College
VVFGCM-Vidya Vikas First Grade College Mysuru
VVFGC-Vidhya Vahini First Grade College
VVFGC-Vidya Vahini First Grade College
VVGGKD-VV Giri Government Kalasala Dumpagadapa
VVGM-Vidnyan v Gruhvidnyan Mahavidylaya
VVIDMM-Virtual Voyage Institute of Design Media and Management
VVIET-Vidya Vikas Institute of Engineering and Technology Mysuru
VVIMT-VV Institute Of Management And Technology
VVIPS-V V Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
VVISM-Vishwa Vishwani Institute of Systems and Management
VVIT- Guntur Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology
VVITB-Vijaya Vittala Institute of Technology Bangalore
VVIT-Varuvan Vadivelan Institute Of Technology
VVIT-Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology
VVIT-Vedavyasa Institute of Technology
VVIT-Vidya Vihar Institute of Technology
VVIT-Vidya Vikas Institute of Technology
VVIT-Vijaya Vittala Institute of Technology
VVIT-Vishwa Vishwani Institute Of Technology
VVKDC-VVK Degree College
VVKPSSDC-V V K Poojya Sidrama Shivacharya Degree College
VVKSSN-Vijay Vidrohi Krantikari Shikshan Sansthan Nademau
VVKSS-Vijay Vidrohi Krantikari Shikshan Sansthan
VVMACC-Vidya Vikas Mandals Arts and Commerce College
VVMAM-Vivek Vardhini Mahila Adhyapak Mahavidyalaya
VVMASCC-V V Mandals Arts Science and Commerce College
VVMCN-VVM College of Nursing
VVMDC-VV And M Degree College
VVME-Vishal Vidhi Mahavidyalaya Ekdil
VVMIN-V V M Institute of Nursing
VVMSDCCE-VVM Shree Damodar College of Commerce and Economics
VVMSWCB-Vidya Vikas MSW College Bidar
VVM-Vimla Vikram Mahavidyalaya
VVM-Vinayak Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya
VVM-Vinayak Vidya Mandir
VVM-Virmati Vidya Mahavidyalaya
VVM-Vishal Vidhi Mahavidyalaya
VVM-Vivekanand Vanijya Mahavidyalaya
VVM-Vivekanand Varistha Mahavidyalaya
VVM-Vivekanand Vigyan Mahavidyalaya
VVM-Vivekanand Vinijya Mahavidyalaya
VVMV-Veermati Viddya Maha Vidyalaya
VVNDC-VVN Degree College
VVNHPMM - Vinayak Vidyapeeth Nh 58 Pawlikhas Modipuram Meerut
VVPCACC-VV Puram College Of Arts And Commerce College
VVPCS-V V Pura College of Science
VVPEC-Vyavasayi Vidya Pratishthan Engineering College
VVPFMCH-Dr Vithalrao Vikhe Patil Foundation Medical College And Hospital
VVPIET-Vidya Vikas Pratishthan Institute Of Engineering And Technology
VVPIE-Vidhya Vikas Plus The Institute of Education
VVPP-Vidya Vikas Pratishthan Polytechnic Solapur
VVPSHKDCP- Vyavasayi Vidya Pratishthan Sanchalit Harsukhbhai K Dhruv Centre of Planning
VVRKMDC-VVR Kanaka Mahalaxmi Degree College
VVRMM - Vikayal Vikrama Rai Mahila Mahavidyalaya
VVSBIIT-V V Sanghs Basaveshwara Institute Of Information Technology
VVSBM-Vivek Vardhini School Of Business Management
VVSB-Vishwa Vishwani School Of Business
VVSCEEG-V V S College Of Education East Godavari
VVSCE-VVS College Of Education
VVSFGC-Vidya Vardhaka Sangha First Grade College
VVSKBCT-VV Sangha Sk Bed College Talikoti
VVSKPC-Veman Vidyavardhak Sanghs K H Patil Commerce
VVSM-Ved Vedang Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya
VVSM-Ved Vyas Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya
VVSM-Vidya Vahini Shiksha Mahavidyalaya
VVSPGC-Veeravalli Vidya Sundar PG College
VVSSACC-VVSS Arts and Commerce College
VVSS-Veda Vijnana Shodha Samsthanam
VVTGIFMCA-Vasavi Vidya Trust Group of Institutions Faculty of MCA
VVTTI-Veena Vadini Teachers Training Institute
VVUC-Vidya Vikas Universal College
VVVCW-V V V College for Women
VVVCW-V V Vanniaperumal College for Women
VV-Vinayak Vidyapeeth
VVWCC-Vanita Vishram Womens College of Commerce
VWASCC-Veer Wajekar Arts Science and Commerce College
VWCAS-Valliammai Womens College of Arts and Science
VWCE-Venutai Womens College of Education
VWDC - Vaagdevi Womens Degree College
VWDC-Vasundara Womens Degree College
VWU-Virginia Wesleyan University
VYCHMCH-Venutai Yashwantrao Chavan Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital
VYM-Vimla Yadav Mahavidyalaya
VYNMCS-Vivekanand Yoga And Naturopathy Medical College Sikar
VYSAM - Vaidya Yagya Dutt Sharma Auyurvedic Mahavidyalaya
VYVSSSM-Vidarbha Yuvak Vikas Sansthas Sharirik Shikshan Mahavidyalaya
VYWSDCH-VYWS Dental College and Hospital
VYWSP-Vidarbha Youth Welfare Societys Polytechnic Badnera